I started out on the journey of learning to code on 18 June 2020. That morning, I woke up, checked my phone and saw a post on LinkedIn. It was written by someone I didn't know, an ex-Uber driver, and they simply expressed how glad they were that they'd learned to code. I declared to my husband then and there that I was going to learn to code. He just looked back at me sleepily. I have since found out that, by utter coincidence, the ex-Uber driver is in fact Nat Sharpe, a software engineer who's wife, Martha Sharpe, I own the book of and met within the Twitter community. I had been made redundant from my job as an Executive Assistant to the CEO of a FinTech startup due to the pandemic and I was feeling a little lost, spending all my time walking and running and just generally feeling like I should be doing something - but I just didn't know what. I had exactly no knowledge of coding, bar a little dabble in VBA in my previous job - again, I had mostly taught myself. I h...