A short one, as typing is very tricky at the moment! I'm going to try to amalgamate what 2 specialists have said to me, one yesterday and one 15+ years ago. I have written before about the haemorrhages I had in the past, caused by ' cavernomas ' in my brain. Cavernomas are essentially little clusters of veins that can bleed. Most people have them and if they were in your skin they would appear as little blemishes. I happen to have them in my brain! I guess I was born with these in my brain, although they have never been picked up before on any MRI or CT scan. I had one that bled three times when I was younger that caused my disability and I had 2 operations to remove. 2 weeks ago, I started to experience extreme tiredness (which I put down to coding) and trouble speaking and typing (which I put down to stress). I've spent the best part of a week in hospital and have had numerous scans on my head. I'm sure I glow with radiation now! It seems that I have had anot...